125th Anniversary
We celebrated Swaffield School's 125th Anniversary in
the Summer Term 2022.
125th Anniversary
Whole School Photo
This whole school photo, taken on 23rd June 2022, marked the first day of celebrations in our anniversary and will be a milestone in Swaffield's history.
125th Anniversary Parade
On Friday 24th June 2022, we held a whole school parade representing every era from Swaffield's history.
Take a look at some of the footage here:
ALUMNI (former pupils)
We're always very happy to hear from former pupils. No more so than to share in Swaffield School's 125th Anniversary when we welcomed lots of former pupils (spanning many decades) to join us in celebrating this historic day.
It was fantastic to see so many former pupils join us at the Swaffield Summer Fair 2022 which was the focal point of our 125th Anniversary celebrations. It was a family and community event where we got together to have fun and celebrate our anniversary.
Our alumni enjoyed tours of the school, visited their former classrooms, browsed our old registers and spent time browsing our 125th anniversary gallery of archive photos, and memorabilia.
We're hugely grateful to all of our alumni who contributed photos and memories to make our celebrations such a wonderful experience, In addition, we'd like to thank all who so kindly donated to our collection to leave a legacy for our current and future pupils.
Thanks to this fund, we were able to buy and install a huge picture to go
on the cupboards in our new library, which was installed in June 2022.
Are you a former pupil who would like to support your old primary school?
If so, it's really easy to make an online donation here. Your support will help current and future pupils at Swaffield.
Inspire The Next Generation
We'd like to share inspirational stories from former pupils with our children. You don’t have to be / have been a rocket scientist or a concert pianist for your career and life to be an inspiration!
Swaffield is a highly creative, forward-thinking community school where the children are taught the skills and knowledge to succeed not only in school, but in life. We want every child, whatever their background, to succeed and to be inspired by people who help them see that this is possible.
Do you have a story to inspire them? Write something to tell us where your education took you, about your career choice and your working life/achievements. Our aim will be to share these stories in writing and also hope to invite some past pupils in to speak at an assembly. To offer your story, please email news@swaffield.wandsworth.sch.uk
Contact Other AlumniSwaffield 125th Anniversary Facebook page is for former pupils and has been set up by former pupil Dawn Gibbons, who worked with us on our 125th Anniversary celebrations. Visit their Facebook page to find out more: