Swaffield School

Swaffield PTA 

Swaffield's Parent Teacher Association supports the school in a variety of ways including running events that, as well as being lots of fun, raise funds. 
All Swaffield parents and carers are automatically a member of the PTA so please get involved and help us raise money for your child's school. 
If you're a business that would like to support us, please contact Swaffield PTA:  

What's Coming Up? 
All parents and carers are invited to our regular coffee mornings. Here are the dates and we look forward to seeing your there!

Hot chocolate morning - Friday 20th December: 9am to 10am

Coffee Morning - Friday 17th January: 9am to 10am

PTA AGM - Friday 7th February: 9am to 10am 

Coffee Morning - Friday 28th March: 9am to 10am

Thank You To Our Supporters

Thank you to all of our Winter Fair Raffle supporters (click on the name to visit their website): 

Nuffield Southside


Try Time Rugby





 Neal's Nurseries
(Capital Gardens)


Babylon Park  


Sand Club 


PTA Co-chairs: Natalie Watts, Siobhan Ireland, Meg Moody

Treasurer: Stuart Chuan 

Each year group has Class Reps to ensure parents and carers are kept up-to-date. 


We always need volunteers! Please lend a hand to help raise money for Swaffield. 
You can get involved in a big or a small way, please talk to one of the committee/your class rep or email us at pta@swaffield.wandsworth.sch.uk


Did you know that the PTA is a registered charity (number 278265), and that you can donate as a one-off or on a regular basis?

DONATE: If you would like to make a donation, just click on this button. 

If you are a UK taxpayer, please do say “yes” to Gift Aid and complete the declaration – it means we get an extra 25% on top of your donation. It also means that if you are a higher rate tax payer, you can claim tax relief on your donations to us.

Keep Up-To-Date & Get Involved

Just drop the PTA an email to pta@swaffield.wandsworth.sch.uk and we'll get in touch or speak to your class rep or the PTA ambassador for your child's year group (see below).
Keep up-to-date with what's happening by liking us on Facebook:
Swaffield PTA      

Ways To Support PTA Fundraising

Online Shopping through Give As You Live

An easy way to help raise funds for the PTA. 

Next time you're thinking about shopping online through many of your favourite online shopping sites. Please sign up to Give As You Live, which is a large charity giving site, through which you can shop with your favourite online retailers and raise money for Swaffield PTA as you do.

All you need to do is sign up for free (www.giveasyoulive.com) and nominate Swaffield PTA as your chosen charity.

Then, simply click on the logo of the online retailer you're going to shop with, and the PTA will earn between 2% and 6% for each transaction.

If you go via Give as you Live to do your weekly grocery shopping online you could help raise ££s!

Give as You Live is a great way to raise money for the PTA
- there's absolutely no cost to you.

Neal's Nursery 

We're collecting receipts from Neal's Nurseries which they will convert into vouchers
for the PTA. 

If you're doing any gardening and buy things at Neal's, please bring your receipts into the School Office. Thank you! 


Buy Your Name Tags through MyNametags and Support Swaffield

MyNameTags logo

Please check out the "My Nametags" website next time you need to order new name tags for your children. They offer excellent nametags for clothing and other items and they're a local business too!

Our school ID is 194 and if you use it when you get to the payment and delivery screen, your order will be linked back to us: www.MyNametags.com

My Nametags will give Swaffield PTA 24% of the order price whenever you buy from them using our link. 

Ziffit CD and book recycling scheme

Ziffit- clear out your books, games, CDs and DVDs
- https://www.ziffit.com/en-gb/donate-my-stuff

This is a way to have a clear out and also raise money!
You just download the app, select your charity, scan your unwanted books,
CDs, DVDs and games to see how much they are worth.
Then you parcel them up and take to your nearest Collect+ site and send it for free.
Please note, not all items can be sold via Ziffit.

