The staff at Swaffield believe that children will progress and thrive in a disciplined setting with a happy, hardworking atmosphere.
Learning to live and work together is a very important and valuable part of schooling.
We try to teach tolerance, co-operation and a sure knowledge of what is right and wrong in social behaviour. The aim is to create an atmosphere in which everyone feels safe from bullying, sexism, racism and inappropriate behaviour.
We emphasise the positive reinforcement of good behaviour rather than focusing on sanctions and punishments. All pupils are expected to behave in a responsible manner both in relation to themselves and others, showing consideration and respect for other people at all times. We want pupils at Swaffield to learn about their rights and feel empowered throughout their education. We recognise that rights and responsibilities are equally balanced and encourage our pupils to take responsibility for their actions in order to develop an awareness of how they affect the rights of others.
School Rules
These are our School Rules.
Behaviour Management Policy
Our Behaviour Management Policy is reviewed annually and the latest version is on our POLICIES page.