Swaffield School

Out of School Care

Book Now

Booking is easy using our online booking system: swaffieldschool.magicbooking.co.uk 

Parents: please contact the School Office if a booking you want is not available. We'll book you in!

Wrap around care here is the best I have ever experienced for reliability by far!
The additional session to 4.30pm is a great addition.                                 

Out of School Care:

Phone: 020 8870 9931 
between 7.15am to 9am
and 3.30pm to 6.30pm

(You may leave non-urgent messages
on the answerphone) 

At other times: 
please call the School Office: 020 8874 2825

Bookings Suit Parents' Needs

Before school: Sunrise is available from 7.15am to 9am
After school: Sunset is available between 3.30pm to 6.30pm.
Options for parents are flexible to suit their needs: 

  • You may bring your child at anytime after 7.15am that suits you
    (you will need to make a booking first).
  • Parents and carers may make long term or ad-hoc bookings, or even short sessions to suit their needs.
  • Sunset bookings are flexible:
    - mini session to 4.30pm: £5
    - post-club session from 4.30pm to 6.30pm: £10
    - full session from 3.30pm to 6.30pm: £15 (or £13 if booked for the week)
  • Out of School Care staff all  will collect younger children from their club and older children are able to go independently to the Out of School Care building.

Quality Wraparound Care

We realise the importance of offering wrap-around care to parents.

Swaffield's Out of School Care is run by the school and its staff members all work in the school during the school day which means they know the children well and are familiar to the children.

We are pleased to offer Out of School Care before and after the school day for children at our school.

Sunrise and Sunset are available for children aged 3 to 11 at Swaffield School. 

Sunrise is open from 7.15 am to 9am each morning. 

The younger children are taken to class for the start of the school day. Children are given breakfast while they are there and also enjoy the wide range of activities that are available.

Sunset starts at the end of the school day and is open until 6.30pm.
The younger children are picked up from their classroom and children are given tea while they are there. Whilst there, the children enjoy the wide range of indoor and outdoor facilities and activities that are available.

More Information and Menus

Contact & Information

For further information please contact the School Office on
020 8874 2825 or email outofschoolcare@swaffield.wandsworth.sch.uk 

More information is available in this leaflet 

You can see our food menus here 

Out of School Care Team

Mrs Sadeya Sheikh 

Miss Carmen Sinclair 

Mrs Rachel Mehiri

