Swaffield School


Classes & Teachers

Sun Bear 

Miss Brent (Teacher)


The Reception teacher is always happy to speak to parents to answer any concerns or questions about anything to do with their child. Please get in touch by calling the School Office on 020 8874 2825 or email swaffield@swaffield.wandsworth.sch.uk and the office team will pass this onto the teacher. 


What We Are Learning


  • Monday 6th January 2025 - INSET Day
  • Tuesday 7th January 2025 - First day of Spring Term for pupils
  • Thursday 13th February - school closes at 1.40pm for Parents' Evening
  • Friday 14th February - Last day of half term
  • Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February - Half Term Holiday 

PE Lessons

We would like children to come to school in their PE kit so that they are ready for their PE lesson. 
Please ensure your child comes to school wearing the correct PE kit on the days they have PE lessons. This is part of our school uniform rules as follows:

• Children from Reception upwards must wear a PE kit of maroon T-shirts, shorts / or skorts,
  and trainers, with their school jumper/cardigan to school on the days they have PE.
• Leggings (not tights) may be worn underneath shorts if needed.
• Grey jogging bottoms may be worn.

* Children should also wear their school jumper/cardigan in colder weather.

Our School Day

Morning Drop Off Time: 8:45am - 8.55am

Drop off time: 8:45am - 8:55am

Please make sure your child arrives at school in their 10-minute window each morning. 

Morning Break

Milk is available break time for those who have signed up to the Cool Milk service. Milk is free for under 5’s as well as those who get free school meals and subsidised for all other primary school children. Find out more, including how to register, by visiting  www.coolmilk.com  

When your child turns five years old, please ensure you've registered and paid if you would like your child to continue to get school milk.

Please note that Swaffield has a "No Nuts" policy. 

Break Time

Milk is available break time for those who have signed up to the Cool Milk service. Milk is subsidised for all  primary school children and is free for under 5’s as well as those who get free school meals .

Find out more including how to register by visiting www.coolmilk.com 

Lunch Time

 Follow this link for information about school lunch and the current menu.

Children in Reception receive a FREE SCHOOL MEAL, which is funded by the Government. A separate registration form must be completed for this (this was in your welcome pack). Your child may have a packed lunch, provided by you, if you prefer.

Please make sure this is in a clearly named container (not a plastic bag) and that it complies with our School Meal and Packed Lunch Policy. You may decide on a half-termly basis whether your child will have school lunch or packed lunch; any changes must be notified in writing to the School Office before the end of each half term. It is not possible to change on a daily or weekly basis.

Please note that Swaffield has a "No Nuts" policy.

Afternoon Pick Up Time: 3:30pm

Please come into the playground and collect your child from near the circle in the L-shaped playground (near the steps to the top playground).

Please make sure your child is picked up on time at the end of the day. 

Please phone the School Office if you are delayed. If you've arranged for someone else to collect your child please inform the class teacher, teaching assistant or office staff in advance.


School uniform and P.E. kit is compulsory. 

All clothing (including hats, scarves) must be labelled with your child’s name and class.
Reception children do not usually need trainers for P.E. other than sports day and other special events.

Please visit our Uniform page for details of our uniform policy and the link to our supplier where you can purchase uniform featuring the Swaffield School logo.


You can read more about homework and our expectations for each year group here. 


Follow this link to find out more about reading and books

 Download a suggested reading list for Reception and Nursery here. 


Meeting Teachers

The teachers are always pleased to see parents or carers of the children they teach, but it is not possible for them to talk to you when they are responsible for a class.

Teachers are happy to make an appointment for before or after school. The Head, Deputy and Assistant Head are very happy to see parents or carers at almost any time. If you prefer, you can ring to make an appointment to see either of them.

You'll be invited to meet your child’s class teacher for a private 10 minute appointment to discuss progress in the Autumn Term and the Spring Term.

Likewise we might discuss any concerns we have with relevant professionals and will inform parents if any action is required to support your child

We want parents to feel welcome in our school. Please see your child’s teacher if you would like to help, for example, by accompanying classes on outings or helping with reading for the first half-hour of the day.

Online Safety

Click on the green button below for information about Online Safety. 

Advice for online safety
