Swaffield School

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Grant at Swaffield

Swaffield School is committed to ensuring that all children achieve their full potential by providing outstanding classroom teaching and robust quality assurance processes.

Any barriers to learning are quickly identified and targeted catch-up and enrichment activities are carefully designed to meet individual needs. All children are encouraged to participate in a wide range of extra-curricular activities in order to further develop social skills, self-confidence and self-esteem.

The government’s ‘pupil premium’ is additional funding to help schools to narrow the attainment gap that exists between pupils from disadvantaged and more affluent backgrounds.

If you think you may be eligible for Pupil Premium, please speak to someone in the School Office. 

Pupil Premium Strategy updated for this academic year 2024-2025
(covers 2022/25) 

2022 25 dfe ppg action plan 24 25 .pdf

Pupil Premium is available to support children identified as follows:

  • Those who have left local-authority care as a result of one of the following:
    - adoption
    - a special guardianship order
    - a child arrangements order (previously known as a 'residence order')
  • Those who have been in local-authority care for one day or more
  • Those recorded as both eligible for FSM in the last six years and as being looked after (or as having left local-authority care). This is known as 'Ever 6 FSM'

It is up to schools to decide how the Pupil Premium money is spent, but this funding must be used to support this group of children.

All schools are required to publish on their websites, what funding they have received and how the money is being used. You can see our current strategy above which includes a review of how we used last year's Pupil Premium Grant.
