Swaffield School


It is compulsory for all children from Nursery to Year 6 to wear uniform.

Our school has a duty to make sure that the uniform we require is affordable, in line with statutory guidance from the Department for Education on the cost of school uniform.

Please read Swaffield's Uniform Policy on the Policies page and check below for details.

Affordable Uniform

We appreciate that school uniform can be expensive for parents and carers so we have restricted the compulsory items featuring our school logo to jumpers, cardigans and a book bag for Nursery & Reception.

Other items with the Swaffield logo are also available but these are optional. All other items of uniform, such as trousers/skirts/polo shirts are widely available from local shops such as supermarkets or from our second hand uniform sales.

We will make sure our uniform:

  • Is available at a reasonable cost
  • Provides the best value for money for parents/carers

Sweatshirts, cardigans with the Swaffield School logo are compulsory for all children and can be bought from a company called School Uniform Direct either online or from their shop.

Parents may choose to buy other items of school uniform, such as polo shirts, trousers and skirts from local supermarkets and shops or from School Uniform Direct who sell a full range of other items of uniform. 

Please note that the school does not stock any uniform for sale.

Swaffield PTA organises a sale of second-hand uniform, including branded items, on a termly basis which are widely publicised to parents. These items are good quality and have been donated by parents whose children have grown out of them. The cost is usually £1 per item with money raised going to PTA funds which support the school.

Buying Uniform

All items featuring the Swaffield School logo must be bought direct from the supplier:
Latest flyer from School Uniform Direct

Items of uniform that may be purchased from School Uniform Direct include:

  • Maroon sweatshirt / cardigan (with embroidered badge): compulsory item
  • White polo shirt (with embroidered badge): optional, plain white polo shirts are allowed
  • Shower-proof fleece jackets (with embroidered badge): optional
  • P.E. kit (shorts or skort, t-shirt): compulsory for children in Reception to Year 6
  • Maroon PACT bag: compulsory for children in Nursery to Year 1
  • Maroon backpack: optional 
  • School Uniform Direct also sells items without the logo including skirts and trousers
  • Black sweatshirt / cardigan (with embroidered badge - Year 6 only): compulsory for Year 6

Order online:


Use this link to School Uniform Direct's online shop.
You can then choose to either have your order delivered to your home or you can select "click & collect". 

Buy from the School Uniform shop:


You can visit School Uniform Direct's shop in Mitcham:
Unit 5 Mitcham Industrial Estate, Streatham Road, Mitcham, CR4 2AP 
Check the opening times here.

Buying Items without the Swaffield School logo

Items of uniform that don't have the Swaffield School logo on them are available from local shops such as supermarkets. 

Uniform - Nursery and Reception

  • White polo shirts (with Swaffield logo or plain)
  • Grey trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafores.
    (Children in Nursery/Reception [only] may also wear grey jogging bottoms)
  • Maroon sweatshirt or cardigan with the Swaffield School logo [compulsory]
  • Book bag with Swaffield School logo [compulsory]
  • Red and white checked summer dresses may be worn during the summer months
  • Head scarves and hair accessories must be plain white, grey, black or maroon
  • Tights/socks must be black, white, or grey
  • Plain black school-style shoes (which offer support and protection for feet, so slip on shoes, open-toed shoes or high-heeled shoes are NOT allowed). 
  • Children in Reception need to have a Swaffield PE kit (see below) [compulsory]

Uniform - Year 1 to Year 5

  • Grey trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafores
  • White polo shirts (with Swaffield logo or plain)
  • Maroon sweatshirt or cardigan with the Swaffield School logo [compulsory]
  • Red and white checked summer dresses may be worn during the summer months
  • Head scarves and hair accessories must be plain white, grey, black or maroon
  • Tights/socks must be black, white, or grey
  • Plain black school-style shoes (which offer support and protection for feet, so slip on shoes, open-toed shoes or high-heeled shoes are NOT allowed).
  • Children from Year 1 upwards may use a school backpack with the Swaffield School logo or another bag
  • Children from Reception to Year 6 need to have a Swaffield PE kit (see below) 

Uniform - Year 6

  • Black trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafores
  • White polo shirts (with Swaffield logo or plain)
  • Black sweatshirt or cardigan with the Swaffield School logo [compulsory]
  • Head scarves and hair accessories must be plain white or black
  • Plain black school style shoes (which offer support and protection for feet, so slip on shoes, open-toed shoes or high-heeled shoes are NOT allowed)
  • Red and white checked summer dresses may be worn during the summer months
  • Tights/socks must be black, white, or grey
  • Children from Year 1 upwards may use a school backpack with the Swaffield School logo or another bag
  • Children from Reception to Year 6 need to have a PE kit (see below)

PE Kit

  • Children from Reception upwards must wear their Swaffield PE kit to school on the days they have PE
  • Maroon T-shirt, shorts/skort, trainers.
  • Leggings (not tights) may be worn underneath shorts/skorts if needed.
  • Jogging bottoms should be grey, if worn.
  • A school sweatshirt/cardigan must be worn on PE days, if required.
  • Watches must be removed. Small stud earrings are allowed but all other jewellery must be removed for safety reasons or covered if worn for religious or medical reasons.

Swimming Kit

  • One-piece swimming costume or shorts
  • Swimming leggings and a long sleeved swimming t-shirt may be worn for religious reasons
  • Swimming hat
  • Towel
  • Goggles – optional
  • Jewellery is not allowed for swimming lessons – not even stud earrings.

General Points

• Jewellery is not allowed except for studs, watches or items of religious significance. Jewellery is not allowed
   at all for swimming lessons.
• Nail polish and temporary tattoos are not allowed
• The school does not allow extreme haircuts, styles or accessories
• Hats or baseball caps can be worn in the playground but should not be worn in the school building
• Sunglasses are permitted in the playground in the summer but should not be worn inside
• Watches can be worn but they must be analogue 
