Swaffield School

Year 4

Classes & Teachers


| Mrs Warrick


I Mr Ashton


The Year 4 teachers are always happy to speak to parents to answer any concerns or questions about anything to do with their child. Please get in touch by calling the School Office on 020 8874 2825 or email swaffield@swaffield.wandsworth.sch.uk and the office team will pass this onto the teachers. 


  • Monday 6th January 2025 - INSET Day
  • Tuesday 7th January 2025 - First day of Spring Term for pupils
  • Tuesday 14th January 2025 - Year 4 Clarinet Performance for parents at 2.30pm in the Bottom Hall

Year 4 Important information:

You may view and download the welcome slides, this year's termly project as well as homework expectations for Year 4 below. 

Please also visit the Homework page where you can find out more details of our homework policy, guidance for parents and also download some useful information to help you support your child at home

  • Please ensure your child reads every day and write a positive comment in their yellow reading record and make sure your child brings this to school with them every day.
  • Please visit our Reading & Books page for more information about Reading.
    You can see the reading list for Year 4 here.

The School Day

P.E. Lessons

Children should to come to school in their PE kit so that they are ready for their PE lesson. Children should also wear their school jumper/cardigan. 

Morning Drop Off Time: 8.45am to 8.55am

Please make sure your child arrives at school in their 10-minute window each morning. 

Afternoon Pick Up Time: 3.30pm

Please make sure your child is picked up on time at the end of the day. 

Please phone the School Office if you are delayed. If you've arranged for someone else to collect your child please inform the class teacher, teaching assistant or office staff in advance.

Break Time

Children may bring either fruit or vegetables in as a snack for break time. 

Milk is available break time for those who have signed up to the Cool Milk service. Milk is subsidised for all  primary school children and is free for under 5’s as well as those who get free school meals .

Find out more including how to register by visiting www.coolmilk.com.


Visit our lunch page to find out more about lunches and get a copy of the current school menu
Alternatively, you may choose for your child to have a packed lunch, provided by you. You will need to inform the School Office and you must give half a term's notice. 

Please note that Swaffield is a nut-free school.  


Please make sure that your child's clothes are labelled with their name. This is particularly important for school jumpers and fleeces as these are the items that tend to be lost most frequently.

Please visit our Uniform page for details of our school uniform and the link to our uniform supplier where you can buy items featuring the Swaffield logo.

Parents Seeing Teachers

The teachers are always pleased to speak to parents/carers of the children they teach, but it is not possible for them to talk to you when they are responsible for a class.

Please make an appointment to speak by phone by calling the School Office. or speak to the teacher when dropping off or collecting your child. 

The Head, and Deputy Head Teachers are very happy to speak parents or carers too. Please contact the School Office to make an appointment to speak to them.
