Swaffield School


Proposal for Swaffield Primary School to join Wandle Learning Trust

Following detailed research and discussion Swaffield School Governing Body is now proposing that Swaffield joins Wandle Learning Trust, which consists of four other local primary schools and a secondary school. By doing so we believe children will benefit from even better outcomes and learning opportunities. We anticipate that staff will have more support and opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge and benefit from the expertise of working with a larger range of colleagues with whom they can collaborate and share good practice with.

It is important to stress, however, that no final decision has been made at this stage.

We would like to hear the views of all parents, carers, staff and other stakeholders on this proposal, and are doing this through a formal consultation. This includes providing several different ways for you to find out more information, including what happens when a school becomes an academy and further details about what we believe are the benefits of joining Wandle Learning Trust.

Consultation Period

The consultation will run from 29th January until 12th March 2025.

Background To The Proposal and FAQs 

How do I get involved and share my views?

Once you have had chance to read the accompanying proposal and FAQs there are three ways to let us know your views:

1. Attend the consultation meeting: This is taking place at 6.00 pm on the 25th February in the school hall. Wandle Learning Trust Chair of Trustees, Sian Mathias and Co-CEOs Christian Kingsley and Mark Siswick MBE will give a short presentation on the vision of Wandle Learning Trust and what joining will mean for our school. This will be followed by an opportunity to answer any questions you may have. Governors and senior school staff will be in attendance at the consultation meeting.

2. Email the Governing Body: governors@swaffield.wandsworth.sch.uk 

3. Write to the Governing Body: Please mark ‘for the attention of the Clerk’ and drop off at the school office.
Please note that you will not receive an individual response to letters or emails but they will all be shared with governors at their next meeting on 27th March after which the governors will publish a report on the consultation setting out their decision regarding next steps.

Next Steps

The consultation will run from 29th January until 12th March 2025. If, following the consideration of the responses to the consultation, the governors decide to proceed with the academy process they will set out an anticipated timetable. In summary, however, it typically takes around six months for all the various processes or be undertaken before a school can become an academy.

Hilary Nicholls
Chair of the Governing Body
