Swaffield Sponsored Readathon
“Sometimes I travel by bike,
sometimes by car, train or plane,
but my favourite way to travel is by book.
It's cool, and there are no limits.”
Benjamin Zephaniah
It’s said that reading gives us somewhere to go when we have to stay where we are and this Easter holiday, at a time when we all need to stay in our local area, we thought we’d enable our children to “travel” without leaving the place where they live by holding a Sponsored Readathon.
We’d like the children to spend lots of time enjoying books during the holiday and to record this on the bookmark that they have taken home.
It would be fantastic if parents and carers could support us by sponsoring their child – there’s no minimum amount and this can be done either per hour spent reading or as a total amount. You could even ask family and friends to support us too.
We’ve set up a sponsorship portal through Swaffield’s PTA which makes it easy to sponsor and we can claim GiftAid on all eligible donations. All money raised will go to support the school at time when we haven’t been able to run PTA events that raise money.
Please use this link to sponsor your child: virginmoneygiving.com/fund/SwaffieldRead2021
Why not encourage your child spend some of their time reading in an unusual place – perhaps under the bed, in a tree in the park, or upside down somewhere?
We’d like to share pictures of our Readathon on Swaffield’s social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and our website – if you’d like to be included in this, please email a picture with your child’s first name and class to news@swaffield.wandsworth.sch.uk
Why not tag us with #SwaffieldRead2021 when you share your reading pics on your own social media?
You don’t need to buy books for your child to take part - children can borrow books from their class
reading corner and if you’re a member, you can borrow books from your local library.
Happy reading!